Soil (Perc) Testing

No one wants to worry if the toilet will flush or overflow. Our soil (perc) testing and septic design services can ensure your system will be designed to last and be cost effective. With over 40 years serving the residential and commercial septic industry we have the expertise to find the ideal solution for your site.

Soil (Perk) Testing

One of the most important factors in purchasing a piece of property is determining if the property is able to support a Private Onsite Waste Treatment System (POWTS/septic system).  Wisconsin law requires a Soil and Site Evaluation be performed by a Certified Soil Tester in order to make this determination.

In conducting a Soil and Site Evaluation (perc/perk test) a number of criteria must be considered.  Soil characteristics such as soil, depth, color, redoximorphic features, texture, structure, roots, and boundaries are evaluated to determine the soils ability to adequately treat the waste it will receives.  Site characteristic including slope, building locations, well location, access drives, and current and future uses must also be considered in selecting the best location for the POWTS.

The Soil and Site Evaluation provides the information the Designer of Engineering Systems utilizes in determining the type of system, size, and configuration.  Our extensive background in soil science and waste treatment system design allow us to consider all factors and determine the most cost effective and practical site for the septic system.

Septic System Design

A septic system is often low on a the list when planning for a home or business but proper planning and design can save considerable money on the cost of a system in both the short and long term.

Often it is taken for granted that a septic system will be the same regardless of who does the soil test or designs the system.  This assumption couldn’t be farther from the truth.  Depending on the soil parameters and site consideration a number of system designs and configurations are possible.  We work with our clients to understand their needs and design a system that provides superior performance and reliability.

While systems can be designed to a code minimum standard seldom is this solution in the clients best interest.  Code minimum systems are often specified by contractors to submit the low bid on a project.  Often this approach creates additional hidden expenses that require additional plumbing on the interior of the structure or result in an installation that prevents sewage from leaving the house in the event of a power or pump failure.

Di you know that if a plumber designs your POWTS the design is only valid for use by that specific plumber?  As Licensed Designers of Engineering Systems the plans we prepare can be used by any licensed plumber to obtain a sanitary permit.  Plans prepared by High Cliff Consulting can be submitted for review and approved prior to soliciting bids.  This ensures you are comparing apples to apples and receive the best possible price on the installation of your system.